Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spying Essay Example For Students

Spying Essay With the growing deviant behavior around the country, law enforcement has developed 21st century surveillance techniques and methods. Now people are continually monitored to keep the public in check and obey the laws of the state. The government can supervise citizens with a new speed monitoring technology replacing highway patrol officers. In addition to speed cameras, car manufacturers have developed an On-star system, can assist motorists who need directions, have car troubles, or even order flowers for a loved one. The ingenious system that takes individual pictures of every car that passes an operational camera and then proceeds to calculate the speed at which the vehicle is traveling at the time of the photograph. This new way of apprehending speeders causes apprehension for some drivers, fear in others, and even disgust for some owners. We will write a custom essay on Spying specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The automated ticket surprises people when casually opening their mail. It gives them a reminder about the importance of following the laws even when someone thinks they are not being monitored. But the main argument surrounding the heated topic of computer-generated Highway Patrol is the unknown driver of the vehicle. The tickets are written to the owner of the vehicle, the owner is not always the driver consequently, unfairly penalizing unsuspecting people. Personal surveillance has gained in popularity in the past couple of years. Cameras are hidden through houses, trip meters in cars record the top speed and number of miles each day, and an assistance program is installed in select automobiles. The On-star system assists owners of GMC cars with driving directions, car troubles, and theft using the global positioning system. A private company via satellite that can access the vehicles location, model, and year operates this system. The technicians answering all the calls from the owners of the cars have complete access to personal information politely addressing the caller by name. This system deters criminals from stealing cars equipped with On-star because the operators can easily locate a stolen vehicle. Therefore, the police can track down the stolen car in a matter of minutes, with the help of the On-star company. It is an uncanny feeling to have an On-star technician give a driver the exact position of their vehicle. The trip meters allow owners of a vehicle to check on other drivers of that car. By recording the date, distance traveled, and top speed of the day, the owner can monitor other drivers aggressiveness and honesty. The on board computer also calculates for a driver the amount of fuel consumed and when it needs gasoline. This self-monitoring plays a huge part in the appeal of this new generation of automobiles. These systems are designed to keep people safe and honest. The surveillance equipment is amazing and keeps many people on a tight leash. People are forced to make the right choice in hard circumstances. The elimination of the bad choice will continue to keep many people out of jail and out of body bags. Words/ Pages : 508 / 24

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Write A College Essay

How To Write A College Essay How To Write A College Essay 1. What is a college essay? College essay writing is an independent students research. What is a research? You hear this word almost daily. The manufacturer proudly announces that after years of research his company has produced a new fabric. The stock analyst claims that his market forecasts are products of sound research. When you need help similar to teachers, housewives, farmers, politicians, and military men, you turn to research laboratories for aid. Our custom essay writing service is able to cope with any task. Yes, research is a common word, a magic word. But what does it mean? What is the nature and value of scientific investigations? 2. Research is defined by scholars as a careful, critical search for solutions to the problems that plague and puzzle mankind. There is a lot of information on how to write college essays, how to write college application, how to write good college essays, how to write college application essays, how to write essays for college, etc. However, your first task is to solve the problem of the assigned topic and only then you may put all your thoughts and ideas to the sheet of paper. And at this stage of problem-solving inexperienced essay writer impatiently listens to advisers who ask: "Have you defined your problem clearly? Do you know what variables are involved? Do you possess the basic skills to solve it? Have you constructed a sound theoretical framework for this problem?" Without giving these questions serious consideration, student plunges headlong into gathering copious. How To Write A College Essay. The Main Problems Problems cannot be solved unless a college essay writer possesses the intellect to isolate and comprehend the specific factors giving rise to the difficulty. Locating and analyzing a problem is a crucial step in academic essays writing, yet many novices grasp at any straw and label it a problem. They spend hours, days or even weeks laboriously gathering data relating to their large, vague topics without ever defining a specific problem. The final result of their furious figuring and fact finding is a formless, frustrating fund of data. Having never decided precisely what to solve, they roam rudderless in a sea of facts with their voyage without a map obviously committed to failure. Before understanding how to write college essays you need to know how to solve the problem: Which facts, points of views to take for the basis and why? When you solve the problem of your English essay topic you can easily how to write college essay,how to write a discussion essay, how to write college application essay, etc. Interesting topics: Sociology Coursework Religion Coursework Media Studies Coursework Maths Coursework Management Coursework